Kambaa – Dwarf Palm Leaf Plaited Cord

Kambaa – Dwarf Palm Leaf Plaited Cord. It’s not very often I get specific requests to use a truly ethically-produced and sustainable seating material on my chairs and stools but I do keep a supply of kambaa in stock to meet those requests. Kambaa is from the Masasi District in Tanzania and is a plaited cord made from thin strips of leaves from the dwarf palm which is incredibly durable and easy to weave – perfect for chair makers and basket weavers.
Dwarf palms are sustainable in their natural habitat and the cord is made by Masasi women during the dry season; when there is little other work for them to do on the land. All profits made by the UK importer, Graham Cole, from selling kambaa is returned to the Tanzanian producers and their families via the Anglican-organised Friends of Masasi charity so this is a fabulous way to help support them.
To learn more about the work Graham is doing in the Masasi District, or the Friends of Masasi Charity, do check out his Blog

This stool with an under rack feature was commissioned to specified dimensions so that, in addition to being used as a stool for sitting on, it could be used to stand on too. For personal reasons, it was incredibly important to the customer that Tanzanian kambaa was used as the seating material so I was more than happy to be able to fulfil this commission for them.

If you are interested in learning more about kambaa or want it used as a seat material for your commissioned chairs then do get in touch.