2019 – NT Wimpole Estate, Cambridgeshire

The Bodgers’ Ball this year took place in the grounds of the National Trust property Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire on 12th-13th May.
I’m absolutely delighted with my two 3rd Places in the Bodgers’ Ball 2019 Craft Competitions this year. Competition was tough – the quality of craftsmanship was outstanding and the wood selected for the winning chair seats was absolutely beautiful so I’m amazed that my hand-woven seated chairs were even placed!
Check out the Shop to see more of my chairs.
Above everything else, the Bodgers’ Ball is always a hive of activity with pre-Ball courses for APTGW members and the opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones. We all have something in common: our love of green woodworking. Next year’s Bodgers’ Ball will be in North Wales, will you be there? I will.